Friday, August 18, 2017



[12:23 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: yes to add position.....this downtrending wave is known as the killer wave for a is like falling off a cliff                      
[12:24 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Really ah? Sounds very dangerous... Like falling into a bottomless pit 😱😱😱                      
[12:25 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Only hsi all all over the world market                      
[12:27 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: HSIF.....the tp for this wave is at 26547/25924.....with some minor technical rebound along d way                      
[12:29 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Wah this is very "shiong"..... 600 over points 😱                      
[12:31 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: expecting to hv 2 or 3 technical rebound along d way                      
[12:32 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Oh over a period of time. I thot terjunam. That means you going H and then C alternate                      
[12:32 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: I follow u                      
[12:34 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: will let d market tell me or show me d roller coaster direction to get on board..                      
[12:35 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: OK meantime u take a good night rest.... Good night 😴😴😴                      
[12:36 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: G9.......ZzzZzzZzz.......                      
[8:41 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: HSIF......Good morning to all.....with d index closing at 27190.50, C1K is now valued at 0.43 n more to come                      
[8:44 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: typo error.....shld be H2L                      
[8:44 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: will be hunting the 2nd tp 0.445                      
[9:03 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Why you aim tp when it's already 0.48                      
[9:04 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: H2L...opening gap up.....get rdy to take profit                      
[9:05 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: What price?                      
[9:05 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: buyer @ 0.435.....seller @ 0.48.......q to sell at 0.48                      
[9:07 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: OK done πŸ‘ŒπŸ»                      
[9:07 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: πŸ‘                      
[9:10 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Mr Sky mine done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Tq  Tq Tq so much                      
[9:10 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: H2L checked out 0.48                      
[9:11 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: congrats!!😁😁😁                      
[9:11 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Congrats Mr Sky 🍷🍷🍷                      
[9:11 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: tq 😘😘😘                      
[9:15 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Wah you seriously making them pay plus interest πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘                      
[9:16 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° rolling in 😘😘😘                      
[9:18 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: Tq Mr Sky.. Really can't thank you enough 😘😘😘                      
[9:18 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: 😍😍😍                      
[9:20 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: HSIF.....on opening took a big jump over d cliff (as expected).....waiting for it to hit ground n rebound                      
[9:24 AM, 8/18/2017] Jan: πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘                      
[9:25 AM, 8/18/2017] +60 16: 😊